
Funny Easter Egg Decorating Ideas

What Type of Easter Egg Design Are You Looking For?

Kid-Friendly Easter Egg

Glowing Easter Eggs | Growing a Jeweled Rose

WOW the kids and make neon glowing Easter eggs!  This homemade egg dye glows in the dark, producing out of this world effects.  My entire family was in awe by egg dying technique. #eggdye #eggdying #eastereggdyeideas #glowinthedarkeastereggs #glowinthedarkeaster #neoneastereggs #neoneggcoloring #neoneggdye #gloweggs

Galaxy Easter Egg Tutorial | Dream a Little Bigger

The video is pretty slick but if you would rather look at pretty pictures head on over to the tutorial on Dream a Little Bigger's site.

Space Easter Eggs | Fun Littles

Easter egg decorating activities with kids Making space eggs

DIY Burger Easter Eggs | Studio DIY

DIY Burger Easter Eggs |

Cactus Eggs | Delia Creates

Cactus Easter Eggs //

Gumball Machine Eggs | Joyful Riot


Ice Cream Eggs | Kara's Party Ideas

DIY Ice Cream Cone Kawaii Easter Eggs by Kara's Party Ideas | Kara Allen |

Throwback DIY Lisa Frank Easter Eggs | Studio DIY

DIY Lisa Frank Easter Eggs |

Fun Character Themed Easter Egg Designs

LEGO Minifigure Decorated Easter Eggs | Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls

LEGO Minifigure Easter Eggs

Star Wars Painted Easter Eggs | Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls

How to Make Star Wars Painted Easter Eggs

TMNT Easter Eggs | A Pumpkin and A Princess

Dyed Ninja Turtles Easter Eggs

Train Engineer and Thomas & Friends Easter Eggs | Play Trains

Train Engineer and Thomas and Friends Easter Eggs from Play Trains!

Disney Easter Egg Decorating Ideas | Simple Every Day Mom

Disney Easter Egg Decorated

DIY Disney Pixar Easter Eggs | A Pumpkin and a Princess

DIY Disney Pixar Easter Eggs – how to make character Easter eggs inspired by Disney Pixar movies. Creative Easter egg decorating ideas for kids.

DIY Pokemon Easter Eggs [Free Printable] | Simple Everyday Mom

Pokemon Easter eggs

Awesome Super Mario Brothers Eggs | Instructables

Awesome Super Mario Bros. Easter Eggs!!

Printable Marvel Super Hero Easter Egg Decorators | Create Craft Love

DIY Superhero Easter Eggs complete with free printable available at!

DIY Avengers Superhero Easter Eggs (Video) | eHow

Make Ninja Eggs for Easter | Oh Oh Deco

Emoji Easter Eggs | The DIY Playbook


Baby Chick Easter Eggs | Tell, Love, & Party

Make these DIY baby chick Easter eggs this year, your kids will not be disappointed! So easy to make and so dang adorable!

Easter Bunny Eggs | Little Red Window

Easter Bunny Eggs | | These charming little bunnies are so easy to make!

Ladybird Easter Eggs | Mummy Pages

Woodland Animal Eggs | Extreme Couponing Mom

Woodland Animal Easter Eggs

Bunny and Chick Painted Easter Eggs | Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls

Bright & Colorful Easter Egg Designs

Blotted Eggs | Frugal Mom Eh!

Tie-Dyed Easter Eggs area a groovy way to decorate Easter Eggs for your Easter home decor!

How to Make Foil Covered Easter Eggs! | Suzy's Sitcom

foil covered easter eggs

So Simple DIY Stenciled Easter Eggs | Design Improvised

Modern stenciled Easter egg ideas

Paper Flower Eggs | Tell, Love, Party


Brushstroke Painted Easter Eggs | Tell, Love, & Party


Marble Easter Eggs with Nail Polish | The Soccer Mom

These Marble Easter Eggs are super bright and vibrantly colorful and incredibly easy to make with nail polish!

Marbled Easter Eggs with Oil and Vinegar | Little Bins For Little Hands

Neon Dipped Eggs | Oh Joy


DIY Neon Polka Dot Sticker Easter Eggs | Design Improvised

Neon Puffy Paint Easter Eggs | Make and Takes

Chic & Stylish Easter Egg Designs

Tropical Watercolor Eggs | Isoscella

DIY Watercolour Tropical Leaf Eggs by Isoscella

Decoupage Eggs | By Wilma

decoupage Easter egg diy

Gold Leaf Eggs | She Knows

A Step-by-Step Guide to Instagram-Worthy Gold

Mosaic Eggs | Sugar and Charm

Mosaic Easter eggs in an egg holder.

Metallic Eggs | Your Dwelling

Learn how to create simple DIY Metallic Gold Plastic Easter Eggs using spray paint and chalk markers! The finished result is trendy, fun and so easy. Delineate Your Dwelling #goldplasticeastereggs #goldeastereggs #diyeasteregg

Classy Easter Eggs with Melted Crayons | Jenna Burger Design

Classy melted crayon easter eggs

Glitter Eggs | The Girl Inspired

Natural colored eggs with glitter embellishments

Create Gold Embossed Eggs | The Craftaholic Witch

Create Gold Embossed Eggs

Glitter Easter Eggs | Sew and the City

Lace Patterned Easter Eggs | DIY Till We Die

Washi Tape Easter Eggs | Centsational Style

washi and glitter tape easter eggs

Put All your Eggs in One Basket | Think Crafts

Easter Eggs Decorated With Napkins | Lareceta De La Felicidad

Huevos de Pascua

Watercolor Eggs | Craft Berry Bush

Natural Looking Easter Eggs

Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs | Messy Little Monsters

Easter Egg Dye

Dyeing Easter Eggs with Tea | Thirsty For Tea

Robins Eggs | Honestly Yum

DIY Dyed Robin Eggs | HonestlyYUM

Indigo Dyed Eggs | Earnest Home

shibori style easter eggs

Natural Dye Colored Easter Eggs | Big Sis Lil Sis

Natural Dye Colored Easter Eggs

Decorate an Easter Egg with Pressed Flowers | The Magic Onions

Watercolor Whipped Cream Eggs | Only Deco Love

Typography & Graphic Easter Egg Designs

Typography Eggs | Lovely Indeed

No-dye Easter egg idea

Monogram Easter Eggs | The Nerds Wife

Monogram Easter Eggs-16.jpg

Place Card Easter Eggs | Sugar & Charm

Copper Easter eggs and green dyed eggs with gold names.

Diy Chalkboard Easter Eggs | Sugar Spice and Glitter

Chalk Marker Eggs | We Can Make Anything

Hello, Spring!

Printable Tattoo Monogram Easter Eggs | Sarah Hearts

Skip dying Easter eggs this year and create your own monogram lettered eggs! Click through to download the free printable and Silhouette cut files to create your own image transfers.

Sharpie Doodle Easter Eggs | Autumn and Ash

Super Simple Sharpie Doodle Easter Eggs

DIY Mud Cloth Inspired Easter Eggs | Alice and Lois

Looking for a new take on Easter eggs? Try this simple tutorial for DIY mud cloth Easter eggs!

Black and White Eggs | Alisa Burke

Artsy Craftsy Easter Eggs

Ombre Easter Eggs | The Crafted Life

How to Make Ombre Easter Eggs

Gorgeous Tie-Dye Easter Eggs with Sharpies and Rubbing Alcohol | Happy Hooligans

Tie Dyed Easter Eggs

DIY Confetti Easter Eggs | Love The Day

Diy confetti easter eggs by love the day

DIY Paint Splatter Easter Eggs | Bre Purposed

Modern splatter painted easter eggs

How to Make Silhouette Easter Eggs | The Best Ideas for Kids

Easter Egg Silhouettes Craft

Seascape Abstract Art Easter Eggs | Inkstruck

Learn to create beautiful DIY abstract art easter eggs - Zakkiya Hamza | Inkstruck Studio

Watercolor Floral Eggs | Dream a Little Bigger

You don't need to be an artist to make these beautiful watercolor floral Easter eggs.

Photo Transfer Easter Egg Ornament | Selber Machen


Confetti Painted Easter Eggs | Landeelu

Confetti Painted Easter Eggs from Landeelu

Geode Easter Eggs DIY | Posh Little Designs

DIY Geode Easter Eggs, Crafts, Amethyst, Rose Quartz

Fun Methods For Decorating Easter Eggs

Easter Eggs Dyed with Rice: How to Guide | The Inspiration Edit

Scratch and Glitter Eggs | Fun Littles

easter egg decorating idea for kids

Wax Resist Technique Easter Eggs | Rainy Day Mum

Simple dyed Easter eggs with crayon resist designs decorated by the kids

Coloring Easter Eggs With Oil and Water | Messy Little Monster

coloring Easter eggs

How to Dye Easter Eggs With Kool-Aid | Passion For Savings

kool aid colors

Kool-Aid Eggs | Freutcake

Kool Aid Easter Eggs

Whipped Cream Dyed Eggs For Easter (With Video) | Kitchen Fun with My Three Sons

Whipped Cream Dyed Eggs...for Easter!

Rainbow Shaving Cream Marbled Eggs | Hello Wonderful

Hot Glue Your Easter Eggs | Kids Activities

dye easter eggs with hot glue

Melted Crayon Art for Easter | Fun Littles

easter art activities with crayon eggs

Egg Decorating Ideas: Drip Art Rainbow Eggs | Red Ted Art

Egg Decorating Drip Art Rainbows

Volcano Egg Dyeing | Toddler Approved

Tie-Dye Easter Eggs | The Nerds Wife

Tie Dye Easter Eggs-22.jpg

Colorful Spin Art Easter Eggs | Hello Wonderful

Thermochromic Color Change Easter Eggs | Dream a Little Bigger

How fun are these thermochromic color change Easter eggs? They can change with your hands alone!

Funny Easter Egg Decorating Ideas


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